Since joining I have never looked back and the top reason which will keep me as a member is the amazing value that being a member of this community of internet marketing professionals brings me.
It is the mix of members within the community combined with Nick’s expert leadership which makes far bigger than the sum of its parts.
Before joining I felt rather adrift and isolated as I attempted to set up as an internet marketer on my own without any outside help. I found that I was just working on projects at random and without any realistic idea of what I was hoping to achieve.
Joining has shown me how to put the theoretical skills I had developed into practice and connected me with a thriving, intelligent, and sharply-focused group of like-minded individuals who are all happy to work together to help each other succeed. Now I have a place to go to both give and receive help, a one-stop resource centre and a place to share both the highs and lows of my internet marketing career.
Before joining I had only theories about internet marketing but now I have my own live websites, my own products (both physical and electronic) to promote, two specialist blogs and I am currently building up my own customer base. I now have the confidence to edit web pages, test multiple squeeze pages, select products and know what is likely to work and what is best to avoid.
In fact Nick’s website is responsible for my very first online sale – a milestone held dear to every internet marketer as we never forget our first sale. In my case a forum member asked if anyone knew where he could get a specific product for a project he was working on. It just so happened that I was selling this particular product and made my first sale to another member. I will never forget that feeling of excitement and elation as the theory of online selling had quickly turned into reality.
Since joining I have produced promotional and marketing materials for one member of the community and helped another write the main sales page for his new new membership site.
Finally – and in no small part due to the mentoring and guidance from Nick himself – I am currently working on putting together my first ever major product launch and I would not be in this position after such a short amount of time had I not joined
The discussion forum is, for me, the very heart of the experience and the reason for coming back to the site time and time again. I have never known an internet forum so full of people ready and willing to help. There is none of the usual negativity or unhelpful comments associated with so many other online forums but only a group of like-minded people who want to succeed and to help others succeed. It is never stuffy and always fun. At we all share the joys of each other’s success and are quick to rally round when problems arise as they inevitably do.
Now when I have a query I want addressed or just a place to visit as a general sounding board, the forum is the first place I choose to visit. is different from other membership sites because Nick has actually managed to create a vibrant exclusive community of like-minded individuals who all have something to offer each other – so many other sites try to achieve this member interaction but fail to deliver. The site appeals from those just taking their steps in an online career, to those honing their skills and expanding their businesses right up to other successful marketers who want to keep abreast of cutting-edge developments.
I would recommend to anyone involved in internet marketing, regardless of the niche in which you operate, because it will help fast-track your marketing career and end the feeling of being isolated, alone and without direction as you hone your new skills.
N.B. All information in this testimonial can be used by PowerTech Associates Ltd and its authorised agents in their marketing or other materials. It can be reproduced in full or edited as PowerTech Associates Ltd deems fit.