Hi There, Having followed Nick James for the past 4 years with his various meetings and courses I soon realised he’s here to stay. On one of his video courses I purchased a ‘Flip Video Camera’ from him, on it I created a series of 1-2 minute videos, assigned keywords and uploaded them. That enabled me to get a great deal of free traffic to my website. Your website(s) are …Read More
Nick James Workshops & Membership Website Feedback
Hi There, Having followed Nick James for the past 4 years with his various meetings and courses I soon realised he’s here to stay. On one of his video courses I purchased a ‘Flip Video Camera’ from him, on it I created a series of 1-2 minute videos, assigned keywords and uploaded them. That enabled me to get a great deal of free traffic to my website. Your website(s) are …Read More