Despite having a comprehensive and relatively successful business background I found the task of setting up and running an “online” business a completely new learning curve. Whilst there are of course many similarities there are a number of things the “beginner” needs to learn – not least of which is just “who” you can rely on. Nick James members club not only rates very high in the reliability stakes but it also comprises a very comprehensive range of very useful articles and downloads which caters for all levels of online business.
Apart from all the advantages mentioned so far the icing on the cake is that you are literally “given” one of the most comprehensive web hosting packages which will remain FREE as long as you remain a member of this fantastic club.
Nick’s club is basically the “font of all knowledge” in my book. Whilst you well and should seek knowledge and information elsewhere I would highly recommend this club as the “solid foundation” from which to launch your knowledge and ongoing business growth and development from.
Ron Woodham