Hi Nick,
I apologise for not being in touch sooner. The main reason being I have been studying and analysing this fantastic membership site of yours.
Its like reading a riveting good book where you can hardly drag yourself away even to make a cuppa. No sooner have I finished consuming one part and taking notes for my own benefit, when I find myself hovering over the next tantalising link- will I make that tea now or read just a little more? The link click usually wins.
I first became touched by marketing back in 71, when I was given two books by my Grandfather. Dale Carnegies “How to win friends and influence people”, and what has become like a bible to marketing people worldwide- Napoleon Hills “Think and Grow Rich”.
He gave me them with the instruction that if I read them, I would find the secret to happiness and wellbeing in life and would be never down in the dumps as long as I treated people decently with respect. Do unto others he would say. This of course was the precursor to Zig Ziglars Magical Philosophy “If you’ll just help others to get what they want in life……..” Which in common with many fellow marketers I abide by.
So thank you Nick for that original email message which led me to re evaluate my goals and my life again. I never quite got the message as an 18 year old back in 1971 but I can say I’ve certainly got it now.
Super jampacked informative membership site Nick. Can’t think of anything you’ve possibly left out. I look forward to working with you diligently in the near future
All the Best, and Thanks again. Alex.